Photograph Album

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Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
7558    Vickers Works Interior Large guns on gun carriages
7559    Vickers Works Interior Machine Shop Interior of workshop, belt driven machine, women working
7560    Vickers Works Exterior Cranes; slipways; rails; workmen
7561    Vickers Works Interior Gun Shop Workmen making gun carriages?
7562 Picture of Officer RAF? RNAS? Cap badge not clear
7563 Italian Bistro (copy) Group of well-dressed young men outside European? cathedral, with pigeons
7564 Lieutenant Forshaw VC Barrow war hero
7565 Maypole dancing Girls dancing around a maypole, watched by children and adults
7566 Maypole dancing Girls dancing around a maypole, watched by children and adults
7567 Couple with child Smartly dressed couple. Child standing on barred gate