
Launch of TSS Orama

20 May 1924

View, from a raised position near the end of the slipway, of the ship being arrested by drag chains. Much spray from chains. A crowd, of men and some women, in the foreground watching from a jumble of timber near the water's edge. Two funnel tug downstream, rowing boats ready to collect the numerous launch timbers. Small sailing boat on left in background. TSS Orama was built in Barrow for the Orient Steam Nav. Co Ltd, for the England to Australia route. Early in WWII she was converted into a troop ship and was shelled and sunk by the German Cruiser Admiral Hipper during the Battle of Norway. She had no soldiers aboard and 280 crew were taken prisoners for the duration of the war.


Launch of TSS Orama

20 May 1924

View, from a raised position near the end of the slipway, of the ship being arrested by drag chains. Much spray from chains. A crowd, of men and some women, in the foreground watching from a jumble of timber near the water's edge. Two funnel tug downstream, rowing boats ready to collect the numerous launch timbers. Small sailing boat on left in background. TSS Orama was built in Barrow for the Orient Steam Nav. Co Ltd, for the England to Australia route. Early in WWII she was converted into a troop ship and was shelled and sunk by the German Cruiser Admiral Hipper during the Battle of Norway. She had no soldiers aboard and 280 crew were taken prisoners for the duration of the war.

Location: Barrow Island Ward, Barrow-in Furness Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/7823
Sankey Number: 8269

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