
Swans on the Lake Barrow Park


View along lake towards Cenotaph Tower with over 20 swans in sight. Woman holding baby by pram on nearest bench. All other benches occupied with other people and families walking around.


Swans on the Lake Barrow Park


View along lake towards Cenotaph Tower with over 20 swans in sight. Woman holding baby by pram on nearest bench. All other benches occupied with other people and families walking around.

Location: Parkside Ward, Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/3232
Sankey Number: A438

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Album Number: Album A 1-355

Page Number: 31

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426    Hollow Lane, Newbarns Village. Road junction, houses and trees on left, houses and M.E.Todd Grocers shop on right. Two children in middle of road.
427    NA Hollow Lane, Newbarns Village
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430    NA The Bishop of Barrow
431    NA The Bishop of Barrow
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433 NA NA
434    NA The last tram in Barrow
435    Open Air Baths, Walney An open air swimming pool. Lady in foreground sat on grass reading. Groups of people stood outside the pool.
436    Paddling Pool, Walney Open air paddling pool with people in and around pool. Houses at the top of grassy embankment behind pool.
437    Swimming Bath De-Luxe, Abbey Road, Barrow Picture of indoor swimming pool. Pool is empty and water is reflecting arched widow and diving board at far end.
438    NA NA
439    NA NA
440    NA NA
441    NA NA
442    NA NA