
Japanese ship KONGO.

Post 1913

Large warship at sea at full speed by the look of the bow wave . Kongō ('Indestructible Diamond', named for Mount Kongō) was a warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War I and World War II. She was laid down in 1911 by Vickers Shipbuilding Company and commissioned in 1913. Kongō was the first battlecruiser of the Kongō class, among the most heavily armed ships in any navy when built. Kongō was the last Japanese capital ship constructed outside Japan. She was formally commissioned in 1913, She was sunk by the submarine USS Sealion while transiting the Formosa Strait on 21 November 1944. She was the only Japanese battleship sunk by submarine in the Second World War


Japanese ship KONGO.

Post 1913

Large warship at sea at full speed by the look of the bow wave . Kongō ('Indestructible Diamond', named for Mount Kongō) was a warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War I and World War II. She was laid down in 1911 by Vickers Shipbuilding Company and commissioned in 1913. Kongō was the first battlecruiser of the Kongō class, among the most heavily armed ships in any navy when built. Kongō was the last Japanese capital ship constructed outside Japan. She was formally commissioned in 1913, She was sunk by the submarine USS Sealion while transiting the Formosa Strait on 21 November 1944. She was the only Japanese battleship sunk by submarine in the Second World War

Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/306
Sankey Number: 1004