
Bowness Pier


View from a Windermere ferry leaving Bowness pier. Man sitting on something on the deck at the stern (possibly a crew member). Ticket Office has double gable on roof. Large sign for Belsfield Hotel by road and distinctive square tower of the hotel up the hill behind. Lots rowing boats drawn up on the shore. Next to pier is large building labelled Public Shelter. Very few people around.


Bowness Pier


View from a Windermere ferry leaving Bowness pier. Man sitting on something on the deck at the stern (possibly a crew member). Ticket Office has double gable on roof. Large sign for Belsfield Hotel by road and distinctive square tower of the hotel up the hill behind. Lots rowing boats drawn up on the shore. Next to pier is large building labelled Public Shelter. Very few people around.

Location: Bowness on Windermere Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/338
Sankey Number: 2023

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Album Number: Album 12 2001-2318

Page Number: 3

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