
Carnforth Station


View of the station below the famous clock. Lines to the right are London & North Western Railway lines to Carlisle and those to the left are Midland Railway lines to Leeds and Furness Railway lines to Barrow. Lots of station signs for refreshments, toilets, waiting room. Railway shop is Ryman and Sons of London. Adverts and posters for newspapers not quite readable. Railway staff and a few waiting passengers.


Carnforth Station


View of the station below the famous clock. Lines to the right are London & North Western Railway lines to Carlisle and those to the left are Midland Railway lines to Leeds and Furness Railway lines to Barrow. Lots of station signs for refreshments, toilets, waiting room. Railway shop is Ryman and Sons of London. Adverts and posters for newspapers not quite readable. Railway staff and a few waiting passengers.

Location: Carnforth Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/347
Sankey Number: 2065

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Album Number: Album 12 2001-2318

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Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
2065    Carnforth Station View above subway of clock and station staff
2066 Warton Grange 1 Large house with corner turret and slate spire
2067 Yealand Woods (Silverdale) Two cyclist sat on grass beside lane leading through woods
2068 Warton Grange Large house with corner turret and slate spire, cows in field in front. Was a Hotel in 1955. (Francis Frith Collection)
2069 Carnforth, Warton Crag View across fields to limestone escarpment
2070    Carnforth Terraced stone house, children lined across the street
2071    Carnforth Brick terraced houses, Grosvenor St
2072 Washington House Warton Ivy covered house set back from main road