


View of the town looking west from above the A595 looking at the rear of the terraces in Image 2151. Ironworks site on the left with the company store in large building - Siam Bondage Warehouse. Furness Railway locomotive with six carriages going to Barrow. Beyond is the Duddon Estuary with Hodbarrow mines and the chimneys of Millom Ironworks. Black Combe rises above everything else.




View of the town looking west from above the A595 looking at the rear of the terraces in Image 2151. Ironworks site on the left with the company store in large building - Siam Bondage Warehouse. Furness Railway locomotive with six carriages going to Barrow. Beyond is the Duddon Estuary with Hodbarrow mines and the chimneys of Millom Ironworks. Black Combe rises above everything else.

Location: Askam in Furness Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/390
Sankey Number: 2153

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Album Number: Album 12 2001-2318

Page Number: 20

All Images on This Page

Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
2153    Askam Distant view looking over town, train heading south and Black Combe in distance
2154 Askam View from Ireleth over town to pier, Hodbarrow chimneys in distance
2155    Interior, Bootle Church Altar and stained glass windows
2156    Church Walk, Allithwaite View up hill, row of houses, woman in apron by wall
2157    Allithwaite Square View down steep hill to pub possibly the Royal Oak (Guide over Sands). Men in street with horse
2158    Village Hall and Bowling Green, Allithwaite Wooden hall, green looks poor, 3 workmen, church at top of hill
2159    Church Street, Allithwaite View up main street. Family in road. Building work at top of street. Man on roof.
2160    General View, Allithwaite Village Hall, wooden, across to limestone quarry

Album Number: Album 24 500-770

Page Number: 34

All Images on This Page

Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
2153    Askam Steam train leaving Askam and heading towards Barrow from a distance
2384    Dalton Road, Askam Rows of terraced houses with a lady stood outside one house, telegraph poles near wall to right.
2836    Ireleth Road, Askam The Railway Inn at Askam on a deserted road.
4222 Ireleth church Slightly over exposed picture of church surrounded by graveyard.