
Railway Station Forecourt

c. 1910

Looking west at station forecourt. Horse and waggonette waiting empty. Hand cart on left . Two men near station.


Railway Station Forecourt

c. 1910

Looking west at station forecourt. Horse and waggonette waiting empty. Hand cart on left . Two men near station.

Location: Douglas, Isle of Man Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/689
Sankey Number: 2845

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Album Number: Album 20 2699-2906

Page Number: 14

All Images on This Page

Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
2799 Meathop Sanatorium. New wing for nurses Workman stood in front of open bay window of a large building. Balcony over front entrance.
2800    Meathop Sanatorium. Ornamental gardens in front of large building. Three figures standing on steps to a lawn, another standing on the lawn.
2801    Hill side, Lindale in Cartmel Lane with row of cottages with small walled gardens on left and gable end on right. Fellside in background.
2802    Main Road, Lindale in Cartmel Road down a hill with buildings on each side. Several women and girls on road one with a dog.
2802    Main Road, Lindale in Cartmel Road down a hill with buildings on each side. Several women and girls on road one with a dog.
2803    Ornamental grounds, Grange Over Sands Bench in front of ornamental lake with curved perimeter walls. Several trees around the lake.
2804    Grange Station Grange Over Sands Station viewed from the Barrow-bound platform looking East North East.
2805    Grange Station Front of station buildings with wide aproach road. Hand cart to left, horse and carrage to right, man on pavement.
2806 Yewdale terrace & ornamental grounds, Grange Over Sands View across an ornamental lake to row of buildings with tree covered hillside behind. People sat on benches around lake.

Album Number: Album 20 2699-2906

Page Number: 20

All Images on This Page

Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
2839    (Kirkby) A row of terraced houses on a hill with hedge rows and a field in the foreground.
2840 Douglas Head Lighthouse, pavillion and large building on the headland, seen from off shore.
2841 Douglas Sands & Isle of Refuge Horse and large cart with two passengers on a beach. Island with tower offshore and busy harbour in distance.
2842 Douglas from the Bay Town viewed from a crowded steamer approaching the harbour. Hills in the distance
2843 Douglas from the Bay Town viewed from a crowded steamer approaching the harbour. Hills in the distance
2844 Douglas Bay, Sands & Promenade Busy beach with various buildings in distance. Large pieces of material laid out on the pebbles at top of beach.
2845    Douglas Harbour Entrance Crowded steamer aproaching harbour mouth pier. Small light at end of pier. Two other vessels in harbour, town beyond.
2846 Fleetwood Channel, sea & sky A seascape from a boat. Small buoy in water to right. Low lying land along the horizon.