
Ulverston Station Staff


15 members of the station staff posing with the Station Master, Mr EH Woolgar. They are wearing a wide range of hats, only one has a Furness Railway cap badge. A young man with a flower in his lapel is looking on. The Noticeboard has posters about packages and alteration of times. Advert for Stephens Ink. Signs for Offices and Waiting Room hanging from roof.


Ulverston Station Staff


15 members of the station staff posing with the Station Master, Mr EH Woolgar. They are wearing a wide range of hats, only one has a Furness Railway cap badge. A young man with a flower in his lapel is looking on. The Noticeboard has posters about packages and alteration of times. Advert for Stephens Ink. Signs for Offices and Waiting Room hanging from roof.

Location: Ulverston Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/1676
Sankey Number: 5831