
The Harbour From Prospect


Looking north from Harbour View across the docks to Beacon Mill, Bransty Station, William Pit and Lonsdale Ironworks. Then north to Harrington Colliery and the brickworks and as far as Derwent and Mossbay Ironworks at Workington. An amazing view of industry dominating six miles of coast between Whitehaven and Workington.


The Harbour From Prospect


Looking north from Harbour View across the docks to Beacon Mill, Bransty Station, William Pit and Lonsdale Ironworks. Then north to Harrington Colliery and the brickworks and as far as Derwent and Mossbay Ironworks at Workington. An amazing view of industry dominating six miles of coast between Whitehaven and Workington.

Location: Whitehaven Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/1806
Sankey Number: 6147

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Album Number: Unidentified Album 6090-6284

Page Number: 7

All Images on This Page

Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
6145    North Pier, Whitehaven Looking into town from end of the pier
6146    Secondary School, Catherine Street Children in street by school presumably
6147    Whitehaven Harbour from Prospect Looking down to harbour and north from high point
6148 Wellington Pit Looking south across harbour to pit
6149    East Row, Kells, Whitehaven Sandstone terrace children and group, car in distance
6150    Entrance and Pier, Whitehaven Harbour Looking out along north pier to lighthouses
6151    St Begh's Church. R.C. Men and hand cart in street in front of church
6152    New Infirmary Whitehaven Crenellated Building
6153    Terrace Whitehaven Possibly Lowther Terrace Terraced houses with railings chimney beyond
6154 Corkickle from Prospect Looking down to houses, industry and railway