
The Beach


View north along the seawall and Promenade towards Morecambe Harbour with four funnels of a cruiser waiting to be broken up. The beach is crowded with stalls, bathing huts, deck chairs and donkeys. The nearest handcart is selling ice cream. Circle of chairs by a covered piano might be a Punch and Judy Show. Men in flannels and white uniform hats stand close by. Children with spades digging in the sand.


The Beach


View north along the seawall and Promenade towards Morecambe Harbour with four funnels of a cruiser waiting to be broken up. The beach is crowded with stalls, bathing huts, deck chairs and donkeys. The nearest handcart is selling ice cream. Circle of chairs by a covered piano might be a Punch and Judy Show. Men in flannels and white uniform hats stand close by. Children with spades digging in the sand.

Location: Morecambe Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/1874
Sankey Number: 6293