
Winter Gardens Entertainment

Pre 1924

View north along the Promenade from the Winter Gardens to the Royal Hotel. Cast iron veranda; promises vaudeville, dancing, bowling, billiards and pleasure gardens. Only a tram, a cart and a lady on a bicycle on the road, but the pavement is crowded. There’s a kiosk and a fruit stall.


Winter Gardens Entertainment

Pre 1924

View north along the Promenade from the Winter Gardens to the Royal Hotel. Cast iron veranda; promises vaudeville, dancing, bowling, billiards and pleasure gardens. Only a tram, a cart and a lady on a bicycle on the road, but the pavement is crowded. There’s a kiosk and a fruit stall.

Location: Morecambe Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/1879
Sankey Number: 6299