
Aspatria Castle Terrace


Looking West down King Street. Row of terraced houses to the left built on a walled embankment above the main road level. First building in the row has a large arched entrance the second is a shop. Right of road is bordered by more buildings. Man on a ladder leaning against these, second man at base of ladder, third man carrying a large board. Two dogs on pavement.


Aspatria Castle Terrace


Looking West down King Street. Row of terraced houses to the left built on a walled embankment above the main road level. First building in the row has a large arched entrance the second is a shop. Right of road is bordered by more buildings. Man on a ladder leaning against these, second man at base of ladder, third man carrying a large board. Two dogs on pavement.

Location: King Street, Aspatria Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/2139
Sankey Number: 6833