
The Old & New Dock Entrance


Looking north-west from the end of the (Merchants?) quay across the river where substantial work is underway. New quaysides are being constructed, probably in connection with the construction of the Prince of Wales Dock. To the left a woman watches from the end of the quay; another person sits on a stone block while a child plays on riverside rocks beneath. Two dinghys and an old cargo boat are on the mud, opposite.


The Old & New Dock Entrance


Looking north-west from the end of the (Merchants?) quay across the river where substantial work is underway. New quaysides are being constructed, probably in connection with the construction of the Prince of Wales Dock. To the left a woman watches from the end of the quay; another person sits on a stone block while a child plays on riverside rocks beneath. Two dinghys and an old cargo boat are on the mud, opposite.

Location: Port of Workington Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/2576
Sankey Number: 9114