
Harbour Entrance


Looking west from a raised location at the River Derwent as it discharges into the sea on a bright, cloudy afternoon. A day marker stands on the exposed river bed to the left, other markers are on the more distant shores. A steam crane works on the southern side of the river mouth. Five children pose for the photographer near the river, their dog at the water's edge; a sixth child explores near the day marker.


Harbour Entrance


Looking west from a raised location at the River Derwent as it discharges into the sea on a bright, cloudy afternoon. A day marker stands on the exposed river bed to the left, other markers are on the more distant shores. A steam crane works on the southern side of the river mouth. Five children pose for the photographer near the river, their dog at the water's edge; a sixth child explores near the day marker.

Location: Workington Harbour Entrance Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/2578
Sankey Number: 9120