
Derwent Water & Skiddaw


Looking north from a jetty towards The Isthmus, Crow Park and the Launch Ticket Office. A launch has just departed, others are tied up while a rowing boat is visible in mid-lake. Some of the roofs of Keswick may be seen beyond the park but the background is dominated by the bulk of mountains,


Derwent Water & Skiddaw


Looking north from a jetty towards The Isthmus, Crow Park and the Launch Ticket Office. A launch has just departed, others are tied up while a rowing boat is visible in mid-lake. Some of the roofs of Keswick may be seen beyond the park but the background is dominated by the bulk of mountains,

Location: Derwentwater Jetties, Lake Road. Keswick Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/2584
Sankey Number: 9132