
Dunmail Raise from Grasmere

c. 1925

Looking North towards Dunmail Raise from Grasmere. Sheep grazing in a field in the foreground, football pitch behind field. Two houses and some huts to left. A line of trees stretches across middle distance, large white building visible through a break in the trees. The fells in the distance are, from left to right Helm Crag, Steel Fell Dunmail Raise and Seat Sandal.


Dunmail Raise from Grasmere

c. 1925

Looking North towards Dunmail Raise from Grasmere. Sheep grazing in a field in the foreground, football pitch behind field. Two houses and some huts to left. A line of trees stretches across middle distance, large white building visible through a break in the trees. The fells in the distance are, from left to right Helm Crag, Steel Fell Dunmail Raise and Seat Sandal.

Location: Grasmere Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/2983
Sankey Number: 9933

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