
Marine Gardens Fleetwood


View east of the Marine Gardens. Tennis court to right surrounded by ornamental rock gardens. Hut with attendant sat outside at entrance to the courts, show advertisement poster leaning against fence. The esplanade bordered by large houses runs east/west along the top of the gardens. Many people enjoying the gardens or walking along the esplanade. Small Lighthouse and the North Euston Hotel Garage visible to left (east) side.


Marine Gardens Fleetwood


View east of the Marine Gardens. Tennis court to right surrounded by ornamental rock gardens. Hut with attendant sat outside at entrance to the courts, show advertisement poster leaning against fence. The esplanade bordered by large houses runs east/west along the top of the gardens. Many people enjoying the gardens or walking along the esplanade. Small Lighthouse and the North Euston Hotel Garage visible to left (east) side.

Location: Marine Gardens, Fleetwood Esplanade Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/3902
Sankey Number: D708