
Beach Recreation Grounds Fleetwood


View looking north from The Mount to the bowling greens and tennis courts at the beach recreation grounds with the beach in the distance. Several games of bowls and tennis are in play. The Esplanade runs west/east between the recreation grounds and the hill of The Mount. Three cyclists riding west and three motor cars parked alongside the road. People sat on benches or walking along the Esplanade.


Beach Recreation Grounds Fleetwood


View looking north from The Mount to the bowling greens and tennis courts at the beach recreation grounds with the beach in the distance. Several games of bowls and tennis are in play. The Esplanade runs west/east between the recreation grounds and the hill of The Mount. Three cyclists riding west and three motor cars parked alongside the road. People sat on benches or walking along the Esplanade.

Location: Fleetwood Esplanade Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/3905
Sankey Number: D711