
Open Air Swimming Baths Fleetwood


Interior view of the open air swimming baths showing the fountain in the centre of the pool. The baths are quite busy but most people are spectating, there are only three people in the water. The Marine Gardens outdoor theatre can be seen behind the baths. In the distance is The Mount with its pavilion and large ships mast flagpole.


Open Air Swimming Baths Fleetwood


Interior view of the open air swimming baths showing the fountain in the centre of the pool. The baths are quite busy but most people are spectating, there are only three people in the water. The Marine Gardens outdoor theatre can be seen behind the baths. In the distance is The Mount with its pavilion and large ships mast flagpole.

Location: Fleetwood Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/3909
Sankey Number: D715