
Coniston Old Hall

Early 20th Century

Looking Southeast across a field to Coniston Old Hall. Showing the northern and western elevations of the building, a large manorial/farm building with four distinctive tall round chimneys. Dry stone walls and hedgerows lead up to and around the building with stands of trees to each side. Brantwood can be seen on the far side of Coniston Water.


Coniston Old Hall

Early 20th Century

Looking Southeast across a field to Coniston Old Hall. Showing the northern and western elevations of the building, a large manorial/farm building with four distinctive tall round chimneys. Dry stone walls and hedgerows lead up to and around the building with stands of trees to each side. Brantwood can be seen on the far side of Coniston Water.

Location: Coniston Old Hall, West Bank of Coniston Water 1.3Km south of Coniston Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/3918
Sankey Number: D725

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Coniston Old Hall

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Cumbria Archives Reference: ???