
Holywath, Coniston


Holywath Coniston. Viewed looking Northeast a large house set in extensive grounds and surrounded by mature woodland. A path curves through the grounds to the front of the house. The Yewdale fells rise above the house and trees to the left.


Holywath, Coniston


Holywath Coniston. Viewed looking Northeast a large house set in extensive grounds and surrounded by mature woodland. A path curves through the grounds to the front of the house. The Yewdale fells rise above the house and trees to the left.

Location: Holywath, Coniston Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/3953
Sankey Number: D770

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Holywath Coniston

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Cumbria Archives Reference: ???

Senders Message

"Just to remind you! Glorious weather since arrival last night. Comfortable and good food at Abbots Court . good wishes to you both.”

Posted From: St Bees Cumberland
Date Posted: ? am 14/09/1968
Postmark Date: 14 SP 1968
Stamp if Shown: ER II 3D Purple
Receivers Name: Mr & Mrs E Wilson
Address: 47, Brackenborough Rd
Town or City: Louth
County: Lincolnshire