
The Beach, Cleveleys


Looking NE across the beach to the Promenade North at the back of the beach. People sitting in deck chairs close to the waterline with a bigger crowd nearer the entertainers and stage at centre of the background. Two men smoking a pipe and another, a cigarette. A boat anchored off the beach on the left close to the wheeled platform used for boarding. Some houses at the back right.


The Beach, Cleveleys


Looking NE across the beach to the Promenade North at the back of the beach. People sitting in deck chairs close to the waterline with a bigger crowd nearer the entertainers and stage at centre of the background. Two men smoking a pipe and another, a cigarette. A boat anchored off the beach on the left close to the wheeled platform used for boarding. Some houses at the back right.

Location: Cleveleys Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/4078
Sankey Number: D928