
Victoria Station, Cleveleys


Looking NE across Victoria Road to the tram station. Single deck tram, number 120, waiting to go to south. Policeman in the centre giving directions to a man and child. A bus waiting to go east, with a large lorry van parked ahead. Hand cart and motor vehicles on the right. Manchester County Bank behind the policeman.


Victoria Station, Cleveleys


Looking NE across Victoria Road to the tram station. Single deck tram, number 120, waiting to go to south. Policeman in the centre giving directions to a man and child. A bus waiting to go east, with a large lorry van parked ahead. Hand cart and motor vehicles on the right. Manchester County Bank behind the policeman.

Location: Victoria Station, Cleveleys Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/4079
Sankey Number: D929