
Head of Windermere and Langdale Pikes from Orrest Head

Early 20th century

A poor quality negative of the view north west from Orrest Head towards the Langdale Pikes in the distance beyond the head of the lake. The trees of High Hay Wood in the foreground and rolling fields behind. The top of a large house peeps above the wood.


Head of Windermere and Langdale Pikes from Orrest Head

Early 20th century

A poor quality negative of the view north west from Orrest Head towards the Langdale Pikes in the distance beyond the head of the lake. The trees of High Hay Wood in the foreground and rolling fields behind. The top of a large house peeps above the wood.

Location: Orrest Head, Windermere, Cumbria Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/4427
Sankey Number: E344

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Cumbria Archives Reference: ???