
Wastwater from Great Gable x3

Mid 20th century

Looking Southwest from the side of Great Gable down Wasdale. In the foreground a man with rucksack in cap, mackintosh and boots stands by a bank of snow looking down the dale. Lake in the distance with Wasdale Screes to the left. Archived as a negative, turned 90 degrees and presented laterally inverted.


Wastwater from Great Gable x3

Mid 20th century

Looking Southwest from the side of Great Gable down Wasdale. In the foreground a man with rucksack in cap, mackintosh and boots stands by a bank of snow looking down the dale. Lake in the distance with Wasdale Screes to the left. Archived as a negative, turned 90 degrees and presented laterally inverted.

Location: Wasdale Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/4603
Sankey Number: E534

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Wastwater from Great Gable

Further Information
Cumbria Archives Reference: ???
Sankey Number: E534