
Steam Trawler FD165 Cerealia At Fleetwood


Steam trawler moving in Fleetwood docks, at least half a dozen more trawlers in the background, several with steam raised. Cerealia was built in 1905 as Calabria, GY50. After several changes of ownership and war service as a patrol vessel based in Egypt, registered as FD165 in 1919. Wrecked at Jura, Sound of Islay 1920.


Steam Trawler FD165 Cerealia At Fleetwood


Steam trawler moving in Fleetwood docks, at least half a dozen more trawlers in the background, several with steam raised. Cerealia was built in 1905 as Calabria, GY50. After several changes of ownership and war service as a patrol vessel based in Egypt, registered as FD165 in 1919. Wrecked at Jura, Sound of Islay 1920.

Location: Fleetwood docks Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/6716
Sankey Number: 1938

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Album Number: Unidentified Album 1699-1999 8002 onwards

Page Number: 21

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1938    Fleetwood Steam Trawler Cerealia At Fleetwood FD165 One person in the bow, group of trawlers to the right