
Kirkstone Pass Inn

Mid 1930s

View south from the top of the Kirkstone Pass. Left is the Inn with a Shell petrol pump, a snack bar sign and Atkinson(?) as the Landlord. There is a RAC sign at one end and an AA call box at the other. Right is the car park and the sign for “The Struggle”, the road down to Ambleside labelled Dangerous! There are cars, a bus and a bike on the roadsides.


Kirkstone Pass Inn

Mid 1930s

View south from the top of the Kirkstone Pass. Left is the Inn with a Shell petrol pump, a snack bar sign and Atkinson(?) as the Landlord. There is a RAC sign at one end and an AA call box at the other. Right is the car park and the sign for “The Struggle”, the road down to Ambleside labelled Dangerous! There are cars, a bus and a bike on the roadsides.

Location: Ambleside Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/5319
Sankey Number: H257A