
The Sand Dunes Haverigg

Mid 1930s

View Northeast across the dunes to the village with Coniston Old Man and the Kirkby Fells. Toilet block and playground look newly built. Concrete Square and Moorbank Pithead at Hodbarrow are to the right. The steeple of St George’s Church in Millom is clear on the top of the hill. Lots of people walking, playing and sunbathing in the dunes and down on the beach.


The Sand Dunes Haverigg

Mid 1930s

View Northeast across the dunes to the village with Coniston Old Man and the Kirkby Fells. Toilet block and playground look newly built. Concrete Square and Moorbank Pithead at Hodbarrow are to the right. The steeple of St George’s Church in Millom is clear on the top of the hill. Lots of people walking, playing and sunbathing in the dunes and down on the beach.

Location: Haverigg Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/5335
Sankey Number: H276A