
Garden Party 1924


A formal pose of about 3 dozen ladies and a couple of children in a garden at the top of Fairfield Lane. The majority of the ladies are wearing hats and one young lady in the centre has a black veil. A lady to her right has a bunch of lilies. See A138


Garden Party 1924


A formal pose of about 3 dozen ladies and a couple of children in a garden at the top of Fairfield Lane. The majority of the ladies are wearing hats and one young lady in the centre has a black veil. A lady to her right has a bunch of lilies. See A138

Location: Fairfield Lane, Newbarns Ward, Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/8402
Sankey Number: A136

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Album Number: Album A 1-355

Page Number: 11

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