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Wordsworth stepping stones, Ulpha

Early 20th century

There are 2 sets of stepping stones over the Duddon near Seathwaite, these are the southernmost set near High Wallowbarrow. Wordsworth had a close association with and wrote a series of sonnets about the Duddon. Sonnets 9 and 10 comment on the stepping stones. This is a view east through trees across the stones.



Wordsworth stepping stones, Ulpha

Early 20th century

There are 2 sets of stepping stones over the Duddon near Seathwaite, these are the southernmost set near High Wallowbarrow. Wordsworth had a close association with and wrote a series of sonnets about the Duddon. Sonnets 9 and 10 comment on the stepping stones. This is a view east through trees across the stones.

Location: Seathwaite, Cumbria Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/4234
Sankey Number: E107