
Ulverston Station Masters House


View of parlour/sitting room, looking towards the cast-iron fireplace on the left with tiles and wood mantlepiece while the hearth below has a substantial fender and fire tools with a small pair of bellow hanging to the right. Two 'globe' gas lamps extend from the chimney breast which, like the walls, is covered in in an impressive range of pictures, from large landscapes to individual portraits. Two armchairs are positioned teither side of the fire. A dining chair sits against the back wall and part of a small table is visible to the right, with a flowering pot plant.


Ulverston Station Masters House


View of parlour/sitting room, looking towards the cast-iron fireplace on the left with tiles and wood mantlepiece while the hearth below has a substantial fender and fire tools with a small pair of bellow hanging to the right. Two 'globe' gas lamps extend from the chimney breast which, like the walls, is covered in in an impressive range of pictures, from large landscapes to individual portraits. Two armchairs are positioned teither side of the fire. A dining chair sits against the back wall and part of a small table is visible to the right, with a flowering pot plant.

Location: Ulverston Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/6963
Sankey Number: 5836