Ford and copple how foot bridge eskdale

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Ford & Cropple How Footbridge

After 9 Sep 1925

Ford motor car crossing a ford of a river with a small footbridge behind. 3 women on the footbridge. Cropple How is about 2 miles upstream from Muncaster bridge on the river Esk. Barrow registration EO 3286 or 3288


Ford & Cropple How Footbridge

After 9 Sep 1925

Ford motor car crossing a ford of a river with a small footbridge behind. 3 women on the footbridge. Cropple How is about 2 miles upstream from Muncaster bridge on the river Esk. Barrow registration EO 3286 or 3288

Location: Eskdale, Cumbria Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/2866
Sankey Number: 9720