Barrow War Memorial

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Cumbria Archives Reference: ???

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War Memorial Unveiling Ceremony. Crowd walking on plinth


Portrait view of Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshal Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO


War Memorial Unveiling Ceremony. Crowd walking on plinth


Portrait view of Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshal Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO

Location: Barrow-in-Furness, Parkside Ward Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/2403
Sankey Number: 7676

Album Number: Album 07 local views

Page Number: 24

All Images on This Page

Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
7668 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Soldier on podium
7669 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Cenotaph post-unveiling
7670 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Soldier (F-M Robertson?) on podium at Cenotaph
7671 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Mayor (George Basterfield?) and A.N. Other at Cenotaph.
7672 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Chaplain at Cenotaph
7673 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Crowd scene at Cenotaph
7674 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO More dignatories at Cenotaph
7675 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO More dignatories at Cenotaph
7676    Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Crowd walking on plinth
7677 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Crowd examining wreaths on Cenotaph.