
Bulgill Station

08 May 1923

(Title amended as station identified as Bulgill) Looking east at a dozen or so men in suits who are on a railway station island platform with ornamented lamp standards. Two carriages and a locomotive are visible to the right and several railway tracks to the left, some continuing through an overbridge with latticed parapets. (See 9003 and 9004)


Bulgill Station

08 May 1923

(Title amended as station identified as Bulgill) Looking east at a dozen or so men in suits who are on a railway station island platform with ornamented lamp standards. Two carriages and a locomotive are visible to the right and several railway tracks to the left, some continuing through an overbridge with latticed parapets. (See 9003 and 9004)

Location: Bulgill, Cumberland Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/7045
Sankey Number: 9005