
Painting Of Isle of Man Steamer Ben My Chree


Painting Of Isle of Man Steamer Ben My Chree


Painting Of Isle of Man Steamer Ben My Chree


Painting Of Isle of Man Steamer Ben My Chree

Location: Irish Sea Cumbria Archives Reference: BDB 86/1/7146
Sankey Number: 549

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Album Number: Album 24 500-770

Page Number: 19

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Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
543    Devonshire Dock Barrow 1011 A busy dock scene with both sailing and steam ships docked.
544    Devonshire Dock Barrow Three different sized steamships docked side by side.
545 Devonshire Dock The Mexican transport, General Guerrero at the dock side
546 Devonshire Dock At least one ship docked
547    Engine room, Lady Evelyn Four med looking over ships' engines towards camera
548 Ben My Chree Ship sliding down the slipway into Walney Channel. Workers looking on.
549    Launch of Ben My Chree Artists' impression of ship
550 Ben My Chree ( 25 knots) after the launch. I.O.M. service. Ship under tow from tug.