Album Number: Album 07 local views

Page Number: 23

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Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
7653 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Cenotaph and crowd. Official, formal postcard
7654    Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Cenotaph and crowd. Dignatories laying wreath. Official, formal postcard
7655 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Cenotaph and crowd. Dignatories laying wreath. Official, formal postcard
7656 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Dignatory making speech.
7657 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Standing soldiers and seated choir.
7663 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Crowd singing; Women in uniform
7664 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Dignatories arriving with army guard of honour.
7665 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Soldiers and bandsmen marching past crowd.
7666 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Dignatories near Cenotaph
7667 Barrow War Memorial, unveiled by Field Marshall Sir William R Robertson GCB DSO Sole dignatory having laid wreath at Cenotaph.