Album Number: Album 07 local views

Page Number: 26

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Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
7688 Duke Street Roberts' shop Corner grocer's shop with adverts
7689 Duke Street Townson and Wards Corner grocer's shop with adverts. Viw of tramlines and overhead wires
7690 Boiler feed regulator Elec. Works Pump with valves - The Cordon Feed Water Regulator
7691 Boiler feed regulator Elec. Works Pump with valves - The Cordon Feed Water Regulator
7692 Boiler feed regulator Elec. Works Pump with valves - The Cordon Feed Water Regulator
7693 Boiler feed regulator Elec. Works Pump with valves - The Cordon Feed Water Regulator
7694 Copy of a Diploma School of Metaliferous Mining (Cornwall) Diploma W. Anderson. First Class
7695 Vickerstown Mixed Council School Children in HMS Pinafore Teachers left and right
7696 Vickerstown Mixed Council School Children in HMS Pinafore No teachers, children standing
7697 Vickerstown Mixed Council School Children in HMS Pinafore No teachers, children presenting lead