Album Number: Album A 1-355

Page Number: 20

All Images on This Page

Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
250 NA NA
251 F.M.S.C. 2nd Reliability Trials A motorcycle approaching round a bend at speed on an unmetalled road. Six spectators are stood at the road side.
252 F.M.S.C. 2nd Reliability Trials A motorcycle and sidecar approaching the photographer on an unmetalled road. Spectators stood at road side in distance.
253 F.M.S.C. 2nd Reliability Trials A motorcycle and sidecar approaching a bend on an unmetalled road. Spectators stood at road side in distance.
254    F.M.S.C. 2nd Reliability Trials A motorcycle and sidecar are rounding a bend on an unmetalled road. A second motorcycle is a short distance behind.
255 Simpsons Shop Window The shop front of Simpsons Limited Garage with a car parked in the central doorway.
256    Simpsons Shop Window Interior of a garage with 3 cars and two motorcycles. Display cases full of parts line the wall behind vehicles.
257    The New Combine. A caricature drawing of an overweight lady with basket and much larger paunchy man with head bowed over lady.
258    Internal Combustion Buffers A large steel structure under construction in a large workshop.
259 NA NA
260 Group Gospel Hall A group of men and women in front of the entrance to a Gospel Hall
261 Group Gospel Hall NA
262 Gospel Hall Vickerstown NA
264 The Lake, Barrow Park. Image of park lake and two bridges, swans in foreground on the lake.
2635 The Lake, Barrow Park. Image of park lake and two bridges, swans in foreground and rowing boat with two occupants on the lake.
2655 The Lake, Barrow Park. Image of park lake and two bridges, swans in foreground and rowing boat with two occupants on the lake.