Album Number: Unidentified Album 1699-1999 8002 onwards

Page Number: 8

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Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
1774    Launch of HMS Emperor of India by Lady Islington at Vickers Naval Works, Barrow Vessel on the slipway
1775 Launch of HMS Emperor of India by Lady Islington at Vickers Naval Works, Barrow A crowded slipway in the rain, the ship starting to drift., 2 tugs
1776 Launch of HMS Emperor of India by Lady Islington at Vickers Naval Works, Barrow lone figure on the slipway as the ship begins to be pulled to the left.
1777 Launch of Emperor of India Ship at the end of the slipway, cranes and scaffolding to either side
1778 Launch of HMS Emperor of India, beyond slipway launch crowd looking to camera as ship drifts off.
1779 Launch of HMS Emperor of India at Barrow Workers lined up looking over railing as the ship leaves the slipway
1780 Launch of HMS Emperor of India at Barrow A rainy launch platform, plenty of umbrellas on show.
1781    Launch of HMS Emperor of India at Barrow The wooden cradle making waves as workmen on board cheer.
1782 Launch of HMS EMPEROR OF INDIA by Lady Islington (Covered in Album) Unable to see, obscured by another card. Only the hammerhead crane is visible.
1783 Launch of HMS Emperor of India at Barrow No boat to be seen, everyone faces the launch platform.
1784    HM Submarine D1 built by Vickers Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness waves hit the side of the sub, conning tower full of observers. She carries the number 61.
1785 HM Submarine D6 built by Vickers Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness Bow wave, crew on deck and one with arms outstretched