Album Number: Unidentified Album 6090-6284

Page Number: 8

All Images on This Page

Sankey Number Image Title Location Image Taken Description
6155 Coniston War Memorial Looking past memorial to village
6156 Coniston War Memorial Close up of memorial and lych gate
6157 Appleby Assizes Coach and four, liveried attendants approaching door.
6158 Connected with 6157 subject Appleby Assizes Party going up outside steps
6159 Connected with 6157 subject Appleby Assizes Coach and attendants looking down into town
6160 Appleby Assizes Coach and crowd in front of wide steps to building
6161 Lowick Memorial Memorial and graveyard, trees and hills behind
6162 Silloth War Memorial Just memorial cut out from background
6163    Workington View from field over terraced houses to steel works
6164    Workington High view of terraced houses with fields beyond